Saturday, January 31, 2015

Entry 215 - Lurchy

Went down to Porto on Thursday and Friday morning and all I saw was a ton of backwash and the surf lurching up when it started to look good. Skipped it and hoped that today would be better. Well... just a little better and more swampy given that it was high tide. Still caught my one and rode it in to call it a morning. Ho, hum.

Weather: 55 deg, Clear
Conditions: Waist to Chest High, Textured, Backwash, High Tide
Waves Caught: 1
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Entry 214 - Just Didn't Feel It

Not sure if the swell wasn't cooperating, the break wasn't there, or I just wasn't feeling it, but either way, caught nadda today. Lot's of paddling back-and-forth at the MB pier but nothing to show for it in the end. Just felt like I had to get out today since the weekend was gonna be a desert one. Oh, well.

Weather: 59 deg, Clear
Conditions: Waist to Chest High, Closey-Outey, Not Cooperating
Waves Caught: Zilch
Sea Life: Sea Lion (1)
Sea Temp: 62 deg

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Entry 213 - Gotta Get Out

Had to get out at least one day this week given all the craziness at work! Was it worth it... yeah. Was it awesome? Not really. Water was cool but not cold and the waves were a little closed out at times. Some sets were nice and the one nice long left I caught made the session all worth it.

Weather: 58 deg, Clear
Conditions: Waist to Chest High, Closey-Outey, Fun
Waves Caught: 3
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg

Friday, January 9, 2015

Entry 212 - Agro Surfers

Pre-work surf session again this morning but this time at Manhattan Beach since the Porto cam was showing closeouts and walls. This was the 2nd time I surfed the pier. It was a nice change of pace except for the one guy that got out their and started to talk crap to another surfer. I gather he made a mistake on the inside. Guy read him the riot act. Just kinda ruined the stoke and vibe a little in the lineup. Why can't everyone just enjoy the time in the water!

Weather: 63 deg, Clear
Conditions: Waist to Chest High, Crumbly, Fun
Waves Caught: 3
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Entry 211 - Pre-Work Cold Session

Got out before work this morning to some bigger sets at a sandbar just north of 42nd St. Not a lot of folks out this morning which made it nice to pick and choose between the sets. Surf was still kinda mushy but the shape was nicer and provided me with one really nice left for my last ride of the session. Always good to finish up on a nice one!

Weather: 61 deg, Clear
Conditions: Waist to Chest High, Crumbly, Fun
Waves Caught: 3
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Entry 210 - Lunchtime Session

Kept my eye on the camera for most of the morning and finally pulled the trigger at lunchtime and went for a quick 30-min session. While the water was cold and sets crumbly, the surf was fun. Gonna be getting bigger toward the weekend so I'll need to get out again tomorrow and maybe Thursday.

Weather: 72 deg, Clear
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Crumbly, Fun
Waves Caught: 4
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg