Saturday, February 2, 2013

Entry 001 - And it begins...

My first entry on this new blog.  Picked up surfing about 3 years ago and been doing it on and off up until July 2012 when I finally decided to take to it and go at least 2 if not 3 days a week.  Making the time... can't be a good dad, husband, and employee without me time!


Nice to finally get out on a Saturday after a few weeks of crazy weather.  Porto was crowded, everybody wanted to surf today.  Only bit it once.  Nice quick surf session then head home to head to a birthday party for one of our daughter's friends.  Good time overall.  Groundhog said springtime is coming early so I'm looking forward to summer!

Weather: 60 deg, Overcast, Chilly but not Cold
Conditions: Textured, Inconsistent, Crowded
Waves Caught: 4.5
Sea Life: Dolphins (3), Seal (1, and he caught a fish!), Whale (1)
Sea Temp: 56 deg

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