Monday, October 14, 2013

Entry 083 - Small and Mushy

Beautiful this morning but the surf was a bit crappy - small, mushy, and inconsistent. I was hoping for better but I'll take what I can get on a Monday morning before work. Caught 2 decent knee-thigh high rights that I was able to ride down the line. Was also cut off by a shortboarder paddling a foot from me - probably just competitive but I was out to have fun, he could have it. Also saw the silhouette of a 5' shark under the water out there - I've heard someone spotted a mako shark so I'm not sure if it was a mako or the juvenile white shark. Either way - he didn't bother me, so  I wasn't going to bother him.

Weather: 61 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Clear, Mushy, Bumpy, Knee to Thigh High Plus
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: White Shark (1)
Sea Temp: 65 deg

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