Saturday, February 8, 2014

Entry 108 - Lot Full

There's a first time for everything and today was one of them. Porto parking lot at 7 AM was packed. Had to park in the lot up the hill and jog down. Surf was all mixed up on the inside and kinda mushy. Crazy crowded and not a lot to work with out there for me at least. Surf was weak at times with the occasional wall and closeout. The water even seemed to get colder as the session went on. Some guys got some good rides but I caught my one and called it a morning. When does summer start?!

Weather: 53 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Waist High, Bumpy, Mid Tide, Mixed Up
Waves Caught: 1
Sea Life: Dolphin (5)
Sea Temp: 58 deg

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