Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Entry 123 - Paddle Day

Was hoping for some fun stuff but I had a feeling from the parking lot that it was gonna be inconsistent and closey-outy with only the occasional rideable stuff. Brought my Brog Egg too which might have been too short for today. Lot's of paddling and the semi-catchable sets often walled up. There is still a channel in the water about 50 yds out which doesn't help either. On the brighter side of things, I saw something pretty weird today that looked a lot like a ships wake coming in. There was about 2-3 sets that washed in with a perfect 45 deg angle to the shore and broken up. Nothing worth riding but beautiful nonetheless.

Weather: 68 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Chest to Shoulder High, Glassy, Inconsistent, Closey-Outy, Mixed
Waves Caught: Nothing
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 61 deg (but 2 ft below the surface 59 deg)

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Entry 122 - Low Tide

Not as good as Thursday and Friday but dawn patrol was still fun. The low tide drained everything out and made for jumbled, closey-outy surf. Crowded of course but friendly lineup. Saw a sea lion under the water that caught me off guard at first. Caught two nice lefts between long waits for something good and rideable on the longboard. Here's hoping that the bottom keeps filling in from the winter and the surf stays fun for a while!

Weather: 55 deg, Partly Cloudy
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Glassy, Inconsistent, Fun, Crowded, Closey-Outey
Waves Caught: 2
Sea Life: Sea Lion (1)
Sea Temp: 59 deg

Friday, April 18, 2014

Entry 121 - Still Cold But Fun!

Got out again today for a quick session before work. Glassy again with fun sets rolling in. The sand has started to fill back in from the winter swells making the rides longer and the surf less walled off and closed out. Wish I could have stayed on my board for another 2 hours it was that nice. Still cold but it's been such a long time!! One really nice left and a right that brought me back to shore made the short session all worth it.

Weather: 62 deg, Partly Cloudy
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Glassy, Consistent, Fun, Crowded, Cold!
Waves Caught: 3
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 58 deg

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Entry 120 - Glassy and Cold!

I thought it was April?! Why is the water still cold! Glassy morning with good sets coming in and I was expecting 62 deg water. Wasn't I surprised when the water was 58 deg or less! Short session today but worth it. Caught two nice waves and probably could have caught more if it weren't for the crowd and me needing to get into work. Come on summer!

Weather: 59 deg, Cloudy, Breezy
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Consistent, Fun, Cold!
Waves Caught: 2
Sea Life: Dolphin (3)
Sea Temp: 58 deg

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Entry 119 - Still Bumpy

My hope for a good dawn patrol session was still alive this morning so I woke up early and headed for Porto. It was breezy in the lot and the surf look a little bumpy but workable. Hey, it's a Saturday, no excuses for not getting in the water. As it turned out, everything was a little better than Thursday but not by much. Weak flat lines when they decided to roll in and most rides were short. Caught two okay lefts and that was it for the session.

Weather: 55 deg, Cloudy, Breezy
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Inconsistent, Weak, Flat to Bumpy
Waves Caught: 2
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 58 deg

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Entry 118 - Broken Leash Strap

Was hoping that today would be like Tuesday but no luck. It was bumpy and choppy with weak, inconsistent sets. As always, still good to get out. Caught 1 okay left but that was about it before breaking the little strap on the board that holds the leash. Took it in after that.

Weather: 67 deg, Clear
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Inconsistent, Choppy
Waves Caught: 1
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 61 deg

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Entry 117 - Beautiful Day

What a gorgeous day for a surf session! Needed the personal time and the weather and surf cooperated. While I didn't catch a lot, the water and warm air just made my day. Caught a nice right to start and then two okay left to finish it off with some slop in between. Man, it felt like summer today and I can't wait for more days like today. Here's hoping tomorrow is just as good!

Weather: 81 deg, Clear
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Consistent, Glassy, Fun, Slightly Closed Out at Times
Waves Caught: 4
Sea Life: White Shark (1, spotted by surfer close to me)
Sea Temp: 61 deg

Monday, April 7, 2014

Entry 116 - Getting There?

Another potentially rideable day based on the forecast but once I got out there it was all closeouts and mixed up surf. Caught one left and then spent the rest of the time riding the strong crumbly break close to the beach. Water was cold but the air is warming up!

Weather: 64 deg, Clear
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Inconsistent, Closeouts and Walls
Waves Caught: 2
Sea Life: Dolphin (1)
Sea Temp: 57 deg