Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Entry 123 - Paddle Day

Was hoping for some fun stuff but I had a feeling from the parking lot that it was gonna be inconsistent and closey-outy with only the occasional rideable stuff. Brought my Brog Egg too which might have been too short for today. Lot's of paddling and the semi-catchable sets often walled up. There is still a channel in the water about 50 yds out which doesn't help either. On the brighter side of things, I saw something pretty weird today that looked a lot like a ships wake coming in. There was about 2-3 sets that washed in with a perfect 45 deg angle to the shore and broken up. Nothing worth riding but beautiful nonetheless.

Weather: 68 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Chest to Shoulder High, Glassy, Inconsistent, Closey-Outy, Mixed
Waves Caught: Nothing
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 61 deg (but 2 ft below the surface 59 deg)

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