Saturday, August 9, 2014

Entry 168 - Amazing What a Day Makes

It's amazing how Porto can change in a day. Yesterday was sucky but today was fun! Sure not as big but I think that helped keep everything from walling up. There were closeouts every once in a while but the majority of stuff was fun and rideable (for Porto). Caught my fair share of both rights and lefts and had fun chatting it up with the normal crew. There were surf lessons today so had to keep clear of those guys.

Haven't seen the shark in months. Thinking that with the closure of fishing at MB Pier, the sharks have less to feed on. I kinda miss 'em.

Weather: 67 deg, Cloudy
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Glassy, Fun
Waves Caught: 15
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 68 deg

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