Thursday, December 31, 2015

Entry 293 - El Nino Sucks!

So this post is a few weeks late. I just couldn't bring myself to post due to what seems to be week after week of northern swell putting things at 5+ feet and shitty surf at El Porto. So, I'm finally getting this up. On top of El Nino, the cold water just keeps coming and the cold weather with it. It's was frickin' 43 deg the morning I surfed. Good friends and some good waves. I wish spring would come quickly!

Here's to a great 2016!!

Weather: 43 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Glassy, Fun, Waist to Shoulder High
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 60 deg

SurfExplorer down again!!!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Entry 292 - Done with El Nino

Just like my last post, I'm done with El Nino. Water is cold, storms and northern swell have really mixed up and swamped out El Porto so my workday sessions are gonna get few and far between. Luckily got one in today at 12:30 and was glad for it. The sun helped keep things a little warmer!

Weather: 58 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Bumpy, Swampy
Waves Caught: 3
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 60 deg

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Entry 291 - It's Cold!

Yay!!! Got out this morning to nice long lines that I could ride forever. Looked small on the cams but you just had to wait for the sets to come in and it was a blast. Really had a good time. Got really cold though with all the northern swell. The offshore wind makes it worse. Hope to get out more over the next few weeks.

Weather: 50 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Glassy, Fun, Waist to Shoulder High
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 65 deg

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Entry 290 - Catching Up

Still catching up here. Not a lot to write about though. Been lots of storms coming out from the north and stuff at Porto has mainly been walled up or only for short boarders or those with a little more of a death wish (read "more experienced"). Good to get out though. Ran into my boss in the parking lot at work when I got in... yep, he knew I was surfing. It's all good though... he's a former surfer. One of these days I'll find out why he stopped.

Weather: 64 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Bumpy, Waist to Chest High, Crowded
Waves Caught: 6+
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 65 deg

Still waiting until SurfExplorer comes back online!