Thursday, December 31, 2015

Entry 293 - El Nino Sucks!

So this post is a few weeks late. I just couldn't bring myself to post due to what seems to be week after week of northern swell putting things at 5+ feet and shitty surf at El Porto. So, I'm finally getting this up. On top of El Nino, the cold water just keeps coming and the cold weather with it. It's was frickin' 43 deg the morning I surfed. Good friends and some good waves. I wish spring would come quickly!

Here's to a great 2016!!

Weather: 43 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Glassy, Fun, Waist to Shoulder High
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 60 deg

SurfExplorer down again!!!

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