Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Entry 333 - Always Better Yesterday... Sometimes

Yeah, not as good as Monday but still fun. Breeze was picking up by the time I got out and it was a little colder for trunks on the paddle out but once I got warmed up, it was nice to be in a rashguard and trunks. Nothing to awesome today except for a nice right that I was able to ride and and crouch down to see if I could get into the pocket. No luck but still fun.

Gave Jason a 10/10 for a nice dismount off his board when he just couldn't make the wave.

Weather: 65 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Waist High, Bumpy, Breezy, Fun
Waves Caught: 12
Sea Life: Dolphin (2)
Sea Temp: 70 deg

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