Saturday, June 29, 2013

Entry 047 - Searching for Warm Water

Cold and crowded today.  Who would have thought that in the middle of summer I was going to be contemplating wearing my booties.  The paddle out was pretty dicey too - a few big sets came in just as I was going out.  Once I got out there, there wasn't much to ride and what looked good ended up being walled off or ridden by at least 2-3 surfers.  Weird jumble of waves overall.  Definitely saw a shark too - and all of us in the lineup didn't think it was your typical sand shark.  He was too far out.  I'll probably skip tomorrow's dawn patrol if the weather and swell is the same.  I'll hold out for Monday!

Update (07-06-13):  I learned that that shark we thought we say was actually a juvenile dolphin.  Poor guy!

Weather: 63 deg, Foggy
Conditions: Textured, Chest-Head High, Mixed Up
Waves Caught: 5
Sea Life: Dolphins (2, 1 Juvenile)
Sea Temp: 65 deg

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