Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Entry 099 - Second Time's a Charm

Finally a somewhat decent day for the 9' Stewart. Headed out this morning before work to check out the swell and it was mostly closed out with a few corners here and there. Did see 2 dolphins surf the waves though (always cool)! After sitting in the parking lot for 15 minutes decided to give it a while and try again at lunchtime - which I did.

The noon session turned out pretty well. With the dramatic water temperature change since the first, I decked out in everything and it paid off - everyone else just looked cold. The sets were still pretty closed out but I was able to pick off a few short rides before calling it a day. Dried off and then went to Soul Performance to pick up my new 8' high performance egg. Thanks, Mark! Can't wait to get it in the water!

Weather: 65 deg, Mostly Clear Skies
Conditions: Waist to Shoulder High, Textured, Closey-Outey, Inconsistent
Waves Caught: 7
Sea Life: Dolphin (2)
Sea Temp: 58 deg

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