Saturday, December 14, 2013

Entry 100 - New Board and Swampy

Yep, first time out on the new 8' Egg from Brog and didn't catch a single thing (except if you count a slight stand-up at one point. It wasn't the board, though it's going to take some getting use to, it was the swampy high tide and inconsistent surf. There were long lulls and then big closeouts that just came in and didn't leave anything to practice on. The short boarders were getting a few but overall everyone was paddling a lot.

So, the new board is definitely skinnier than the Stewart and looser. I can't wait to catch something good with it. For now, I'm looking forward to a rest from all the paddling. I just know I'm gonna feel sore today.

Last but not least, apparently the great white was out today and he breached two times. I didn't see it but I heard it from the guys in the parking lot. Yikes!

Weather: 42 deg, Mostly Clear Skies
Conditions: Waist to Shoulder High, Bumpy, Swamped, Closey-outy
Waves Caught: Big Zero
Sea Life: Dolphin (1), White Shark (1)
Sea Temp: 57 deg

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