Saturday, October 18, 2014

Entry 193 - Manhattan Beach

Woke up and watched the Porto surf cam for 15-20 min trying to decide if I should head out. It just looked too swampy. About 10 past 7 I bit the bullet and got in the car. By the time I arrived the parking lot was full and the surf looked pretty good. "Oh, well," I said, "let's check out Manhattan Pier." I'd never surfed Manhattan Pier but today was a good day to try. Got there, parked on the south side, put on wetsuit, and paddled out. Yes, pretty swampy! Caught one nice right and a so-so left. I'll be back.

Weather: 61 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Waist to Shoulder Plus High, Clear, Swampy
Waves Caught: 2
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 70 deg

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