Monday, April 15, 2013

Entry 015 - Fun Times Two

Fun again today.  Started out a little drizzly but then cleared up to partly cloudy by the time I got out of the water.  Nice a glassy up until around 9 AM when the winds picked up.  Had a good time and caught some nice ones.  I've noticed though that I'm not riding the wave as much and getting off a little too fast in front of the wave when taking off.  Probably need to slow down a bit. On my way in also caught someone riding the nose hanging 5, pretty cool!  Good surf overall and Wednesday is looking pretty good too.  Hopefully I'll get out!

Weather: 55 deg, Partly Cloudy
Conditions: Glassy to Textured (after 9 AM), Corners, Semi-consistent, Fun
Waves Caught: 8
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 58 deg

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