Thursday, April 4, 2013

Entry 013 - Bumpy and Choppy

Not even worth it today.  I should have known since most of the regulars were nowhere to be found. From the parking lot it looked good and I hurried up to get out for a quick session but when I got in and paddled out, the surf turned bumpy and at some points there were even small whitecaps. Tide was going down and the surf was mixed at best. Hard to really catch much on the longboard unless you got lucky.  I wasn't the only one... a few others got out right after I did and called it a day.

Weather: 60 deg, Overcast
Conditions: Bumpy, Choppy, Might Have Been Consistent (if not for the chop)
Waves Caught: Fat Zero
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 59 deg

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