Sunday, April 21, 2013

Entry 018 - Dolphins Are Back

Fun day and a good crowd.  Started out foggy but cleared up pretty quick.  The water was great and I probably didn't need my hood - it's starting to be consistently warmer these days.  The only problem today was the waves seemed to swamp out at spots so there were a few long waits.  Even still, I caught a few good ones.  On one I almost sprayed someone on the way in.  The sun is pretty blinding in the morning when you're going right.  It was all good though, he saw me and I bailed to make sure I didn't hit him.  The crowd, as always, was pretty friendly and everyone was glad to be out on their longboards today.  I didn't want to get out - I could have stayed all day!

Weather: 64 deg, Foggy to Clear
Conditions: Glassy, Knee to Chest High, Fun Crowd
Waves Caught: 4
Sea Life: Dolphin (1)
Sea Temp: 59 deg

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