Thursday, May 15, 2014

Entry 130 - What Lurks Beneath

More heat today so I got out early to find the 6' white shark lurking just 10' away from me under the water. Makes you feel alive. Then the lineup was blessed with at least 7 dolphin jumping and playing in the water within 5-10' of everyone. I swear, I could have reached out and touched them. I really think they were trying to play with us! Ride of the day was a nice long (10+ sec) left that I rode as far into the shore as I could get. What a start to almost the weekend!

Weather: 74 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Ankle to Waist High, Glassy, Crumbly
Waves Caught: 5
Sea Life: Dolphin (7, arms reach), White Shark (1)
Sea Temp: 62 deg

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