Saturday, May 17, 2014

Entry 132 - Fog Rolls In

Dawn patrol this morning at low tide was less than I was hoping for. Took the 8' Egg out and caught a couple of short rides. Not sure if I'm just still getting used to the egg or if the surf wasn't that great. But, judging from what everyone else was saying in the lineup, it was probably 50/50. Still good to get in the water.

Fog rolled in about midway through the session and the air got a lot cooler than I had expected. I'd say the heat wave must be over but I doubt it.

Weather: 63 deg, Sunny then Foggy
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Textured, Closey-Outy
Waves Caught: 3
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg

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