Monday, May 26, 2014

Entry 136 - Backwash!

Epic backwash today! Fun but kinda frustrating when your paddling for a nice one and it gets washed out back the backwash. Sometimes the waves going out were bigger than the ones coming in! Spectacular to watch in the lineup though. My eye caught a spectacular display on a paddle out - 5-10 ft wall of "glass"! Caught 3 memorable lefts along with some small stuff to start off a beautiful Memorial Day.

Thank you to all of the men and women who have made and continue to make our freedom possible.

Weather: 63 deg, Partly Cloudy
Conditions: Knee to Chest High, Glassy, Inconsistent, Backwash!
Waves Caught: 9
Sea Life: Seal (1, dead)
Sea Temp: 64 deg

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