Friday, July 4, 2014

Entry 155 - Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July! Got out for an early morning session (6:30) and it was well worth it. Though the crowds started to get thicker, the surf was a little bigger than yesterday and it was nice and glassy. Every once in a while the breeze would pick up and create some texture but nothing that could ruin the stoke. Lots of party waves and almost two collisions but I've gotten better at having a little more fine control over my board so I was able to avoid pretty nicely. Got the GoPro back out too (on a wrist strap). Getting ready for Hawaii next weekend!

Weather: 65 deg, Cloudy
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Glassy, Fun, Crowded
Waves Caught: 13
Sea Life: Dolphin (3)
Sea Temp: 68 deg

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