Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Entry 161 - Sore Shoulder

My right shoulder was sore today and I think it was from the GoPro wrist mount. Just not used to it. A lot sunnier today and more mushy surf due to the lower tide. Still fun though and saw the same folks in the lineup as I did yesterday - including the surf instructors and battalion of students learning to ride their first waves. I still remember that. Whenever I see one of them pop-up and catch something for the first time I know they're hooked. Only a few more days left on the island and I'll miss it until September!

Weather: 90 deg, Sunny
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Clear, Textured, Mushy, Fun
Waves Caught: 11
Sea Life: Just Tropical Fish
Sea Temp: 80 deg

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