Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Entry 158 - Dolphins!

A lot more fun than yesterday and what made it even better was the pod of 12+ dolphin including juveniles splashing and playing close to the lineup. One of the juveniles was having so much fun it was jumping out of the water. What an amazing sight! No matter how many times I see dolphin out in the surf it never gets old. As far as the surfing was concerned, still a little dumpy with short rides and waves that doubled up on the inside. Might get better tomorrow but I caught my fair share today with a nice right to make it worth it besides the dolphins!

Weather: 68 deg, Partly Cloudy
Conditions: Knee to Waist High, Bumpy, Dumpy
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: Dolphin (12+)
Sea Temp: 71 deg

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