Saturday, March 23, 2013

Entry 010 - Right Place, Right Time

Started out at high tide this time and from the beach it looked pretty good.  Lots of sections, but scattered walls with areas that were workable.  In the end it all came down to being in the right place at the right time as someone in the lineup said.  Current wasn't as bad today as it was last weekend so there wasn't as much paddling back to your favorite spot.  Water was cold but the air temp kept it a little more comfortable.  Didn't really catch anything except one nice beauty toward the end of the session.  Overall, well worth it just for that one ride - and the dolphins who almost joined me on a wave!  Come on summer!

Weather: 57 deg, Overcast but Sun Peaked Out Toward the End
Conditions: Bumpy, Mixed Up, Semi-glassy, Cold, Sections but Wall-y at Times
Waves Caught: 1.5
Sea Life: Dolphins (4, catching the surf!), Seals (1)
Sea Temp: 57 deg

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