Sunday, March 24, 2013

Entry 011 - New Wetsuit

So I tried out my new Rip Curl E-Bomb wetsuit today.  Pretty damn nice!  The Body Glove suit is starting to show its age even though it's only about 2 seasons old.  I could definitely tell the difference... no water getting into the legs when I first got in and throughout the session.  As for the surf, not so good.  But, nice to get out, as always.  The middle of Porto was workin' pretty good but mainly for the short board crowd.  Us long boarders tried to get what we could at the north half of Porto but didn't have much luck.  Often times walled off and when it wasn't the high tide made it fat.  Tuesday looks good though!

Weather: 58 deg, Scattered Clouds
Conditions: Glassy, Some Corners, Fat as the Tide Rolled In
Waves Caught: 1
Sea Life: Dolphins (6)
Sea Temp: 57 deg

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