Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Entry 071 - Smaller But Still Fun

While the waves weren't as nice as they were over the weekend, it was still worth it to get out again this morning before work - as always. Definitely not as crowded either which was a huge plus. Size was smaller than the weekend but the shape was similar with the bigger stuff walling up on the inside making it hard to catch and ride them down the line. The water was warmer too but I know there is a northwest swell building toward the middle of the week which is gonna drop the water temp into the "cold enough to feel it" zone. Don't know if I'm gonna have time to enjoy the surf later this week so it was good to get out today.

Weather: 74 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Textured, Clear, Knee to Waist High, Inconsistent, Fun
Waves Caught: 7
Sea Life: Dolphin (3 plus a pod!)
Sea Temp: 66 deg

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