Monday, September 2, 2013

Entry 070 - Labor Day Surf

Great start to a Labor Day! While the surf wasn't as good as Saturday, it was still well worth it. Little smaller but as the tide pushed in, things got more fun. Right when I got out into the lineup I caught two nice lefts and then had to wait a bit for the next good set to roll in. The dolphins were out in force today as well. I saw two pretty big pods with the little ones jumping out of the water at least 3-4 ft - just awesome! As my session was just about winding down, I caught two really memorable lefts that took me all the way into the beach and a nice right that almost barreled for me before ripping the board right out from under my legs. Great way to end a session. Lots of fun and great crowd as usual!

Weather: 66 deg, Foggy
Conditions: Textured, Clear, Knee to Chest High, Fun
Waves Caught: 10
Sea Life: Dolphin (Tons!)
Sea Temp: 65 deg

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