Saturday, November 2, 2013

Entry 089 - Dawn Patrol

Beautiful fall morning! Water was warm and the air was crisp. Surf was so-so but still fun. Lots of closeouts and steep stuff but there were some workable corners here and there and I caught my fair share. Must have been some sort of military exercise too because around 7:45 we saw 4 Army or Marine choppers buzz over the water. Pretty cool. We all waved at each other. For the morning, I caught two memorable lefts and a nice right in between some other short stuff. Hope the water doesn't get too cold too soon!

Weather: 58 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Glassy, Knee to Chest High, Closey-Outy
Waves Caught: 14
Sea Life: Dolphin (3)
Sea Temp: 63 deg

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