Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Entry 090 - Craziness

Nice offshore breeze today, warm (63 deg) warm water, and good swell brought everybody out today and, apparently, yesterday. Porto was pretty packed for it being close to 8 AM and I had to dodge a few folks on my way to catching some just so-so waves. The height was pretty inconsistent with lots of waiting and every once in a while paddling hard to avoid walled up double overhead sets that seemed to come out of nowhere and pound the shore for a couple of minutes. Fun overall though and I would have stayed longer if I didn't have a meeting to get to!

Weather: 64 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Textured, Waist to Shoulder High, Wally
Waves Caught: 8
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 63 deg

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