Thursday, November 7, 2013

Entry 091 - Crowds

Another offshore breeze today but a little more textured and definitely colder water. The surf was smaller and weaker too. Same crowd out there today as yesterday with one group of surfers (obviously friends) that huddled in a crowd toward the inside and sat around a lot blocking the rest of us from trying to catch anything. Really kind of obnoxious. Spread out a little for heaven's sake! At least enough so that folks on the outside can weave through you sitting on the inside. [Rant over] Still caught two nice long rights and ended the session with a nice long left. Fun morning!

Weather: 64 deg, Skattered Clouds
Conditions: Textured, Knee to Waist High, Weak
Waves Caught: 9
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 62 deg

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