Saturday, November 16, 2013

Entry 095 - Parking Space?

Everyone was out today! The parking lot was packed and I was lucky to find something toward the end of the Porto lot. Honestly, I think everyone was hoping it was going to better than it turned out to be. While the swell was bigger, it was choppy, mixed up, and with it being a 6'+ high tide around 7 AM, I didn't think it was that great. But, then again, I was on the 9' Stewart which probably added to my frustration as I saw guys with the shorter boards catching the really nice rights that just kept coming in around 42nd St.

Weather: 68 deg, Partly Cloudy Skies
Conditions: Choppy, Waist to Shoulder High, Mixed Up
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: Dolphin (2)
Sea Temp: 63 deg

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