Saturday, July 6, 2013

Entry 050 - Nice and Warm

Not nearly as crowded as I was expecting today.  Nice and glassy but small; great for the longboard.  Paddled out and caught a short right and left before settling in and waiting for the next set.  Best ride of the day was a long right that I worked almost to the beach.  Final ride of the day was a little soft and I caught the peak and had a nice drop in.  Thought I saw that shark again today but learned otherwise.  Seems that there's been a juvenile dolphin in the waters the past week.  Notified the lifeguards but I don't think there is anything they can do.  Really sad.  Dumpy surf overall but with a few corners that paid off.

I think I'm now leaning toward a new board that's 7'6" or slightly longer that it'll let me dig in more.  Might not have helped out today but the Stewart rides a little high in the water.

Weather: 66 deg, Cloudy
Conditions: Glassy, Knee-Chest High, Dumpy
Waves Caught: 9
Sea Life: Dolphin (2, 1 Juvenile)
Sea Temp: 69 deg

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