Monday, July 29, 2013

Entry 058 - Lahaina Breakwater (Part 1)

Left Kaua'i the other day for Maui and some nicer surf. Got a little better before the Tropical Storm Flossie hits tomorrow. Rode an 8'2" from Boss Frogs and caught a few nice ones. Crowd was mainly locals since the inside was pretty much flat. The 8'2" was an epoxy board much nicer than the soft top I rented in Kaua'i. Rode more like my 9' Stewart but more sporty. I wished the center fin was a little longer but I had a good session overall.

Weather: 82 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Clean, Knee-Chest High, Soft, Long Periods
Waves Caught: 4
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 80 deg

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