Thursday, July 18, 2013

Entry 055 - Appendages

Good start to the session and then the windswell just started to be too much and everything turned choppy. Caught mostly lefts today with one nice long ride. Wish I would have gotten out earlier but I don't think it would have made a difference. I expect tomorrow will be about the same. Towards the end of my session I was trying to catch a couple closer to the inside but had little luck and the last one I stubbed my pinky toe nice and good - suspect I bent it back. At first I though I broke it but after a little examination to feel from broken bones, I've concluded it'll be okay. Taped it to my other toe and I'm hoping it will all be better by Sunday or Monday. Foot's pretty bruised on my pinky side though! Was it worth it for the surf today? Hard to say... but I think "yes" given the one nice ride I had.

Weather: 67 deg, Sunny and Warm
Conditions: Choppy, Knee-Waist High, Windswell, Mixed
Waves Caught: 6
Sea Life: Dolphins (2)
Sea Temp: 64 deg

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