Monday, July 29, 2013

Entry 059 - Lahaina Breakwater (Part 2)

Woke up early this morning to catch some waves before Flossie comes through. I'm glad I did because by 10 AM the rain started and the seas turned white-capped. The 8'2" had a cheap GoPro mount on the front so I used it today instead of the wrist mount (which I think I'll return to REI - not very good). The waves were much cleaner and glassier this morning as opposed to yesterday. Locals were out in force with only a couple of tourists including myself. Caught 3 nice lefts and almost had a fourth but fell popping up. The 8'2" Boss Frog Epoxy board makes it harder to catch soft surf. After the storm blows through I'm hoping to get a 9' epoxy for later in the week. Still, I had a really fun time and the view was fantastic!

Weather: 82 deg, Clear Skies
Conditions: Clean, Knee-Chest High, Soft, Medium Periods
Waves Caught: 4
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 80 deg

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