Saturday, August 10, 2013

Entry 062 - Back to Porto

Well, back from the islands and into the cold Southern California water. Not to complain, it's just that the water is soooo nice in Hawaii! Got up later than I wanted to this morning and headed out for my first session back. Surfline forecast was for weak little lines and it was pretty accurate. There were a few waist high waves mixed in but primarily little guys. The first one I caught out of the gate I walked like a plank off the front of the board when my board just stopped because it was so weak. After that I caught a nice one that almost barreled for me and then had a few nice lefts before taking it in for the morning before the wind picked up too much more and everything turned choppy. Heavy crowd overall but the usual nice folks in the lineup made it fun.

Weather: 64 deg, Cloudy Skies
Conditions: Glassy Early to Bumpy, Ankle-Waist High, Inconsistent
Waves Caught: 7
Sea Life: Dolphin (2)
Sea Temp: 66 deg

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