Sunday, August 18, 2013

Entry 064 - Check the Housing

This past week was a bit crazy at work and with the surf a constant 1-2', I just couldn't convince myself to get out for a morning session. That is until this morning. Heard from a friend that yesterday was pretty good at Porto so I had to check it out this morning. Made it to the lot around 6:45 and was in the water by 6:50. Nice a glassy with some 3' sets every once in a while. Then I noticed the GoPro was fogging up more than usual. Shit, one of the anti-fog inserts must've gotten in the way of the seal. Only got about a quarter of an inch of water in the housing but it was enough to stop the camera. Paddled back in to get it in the car ASAP and then headed back out. I had a pretty good remainder of the session, catching both rights and lefts that I could ride for 10+ seconds.

When I got home, I rinsed off the GoPro with some bottled water and then put it into a bowl of rice outside. I'm crossing my fingers that it's gonna work again.

Weather: 64 deg, Cloudy Skies w/ a Little Fog
Conditions: Glassy, Ankle to Waist High, Crowded
Waves Caught: 10
Sea Life: Nothing
Sea Temp: 66 deg

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