Monday, August 19, 2013

Entry 065 - Small But Fun

No Pic Today

Headed out this morning before work and caught some decent small stuff even though Surfline was reporting very weak lines. Even with the bad report, it was pretty crowded for a weekday today and I saw a couple of familiar faces. Coolest sight today was a feeding frenzy by a pod of dolphin and seabirds. Really cool.

No GoPro because of the housing mishap yesterday. Hoping to get it back into working order by next weekend. We'll see. Overall, it was actually nice not having the GoPro on the board. It felt more freeing than I expected without having to worry about whether it was recording and how long a ride I could get. Maybe I skip the GoPro more often.

Weather: 64 deg, Cloudy Skies w/ a Little Fog
Conditions: Bumpy, Ankle to Waist High, Inconsistent
Waves Caught: 10
Sea Life: Dolphin (4+)
Sea Temp: 65 deg

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