Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Entry 021 - Steep

After looking at the El Porto surf yesterday and seeing pretty much flat seas, I bet on today and didn't have much luck.  While the swell was showing more than yesterday, the tide was going out and the waves were steep.  That, and the current was pretty heavy.  Everyone was paddling south in between sets.  Made for good exercise but not very good surfing conditions for the longboard.  I'm convinced that I've got to get something a tad smaller in my quiver - say 7'6".  Total for the day was one okay ride and a few halvies.

Weather: 60 deg, Cloudy Skies
Conditions: Glassy, Inconsistent, Steep, Longshore Current
Waves Caught: 2
Sea Life: None
Sea Temp: 59 deg

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